Slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous especially during maritime disasters.
No hi ha cap exemple disponible per a cap sinònim
1Cameraman Roger Horrocks comes face-to-face with an inquisitive blue shark off the Azores islands.
2The nearest fish I could find in appearance to it, in the reference books, was the blue shark.
3In a small cove, hidden by a tumble of rock, the familiar hydrofoil waited like a midnight- blue shark.
4For he was a legend in sea angling, particularly when it came to catching and tagging porbeagle and blue shark.
5Swimmers are being urged to stay out of the water after a blue shark was spotted in a Cornish harbour.
6The blue shark, and a sort of Urim and Thummim engraven upon his chest, were the seal of his initiation.
7The Blue Shark is the one most often displayed like this.
8Where the shoals go, the Blue Shark follows.
9Maybe hammerheads and blue sharks and bull sharks too, though it's really the tiger sharks one needs to worry about.
10Hazards include blue sharks and jellyfish but also man, whose fishing nets and long lines catch and kill countless loggerheads.
11Tuna fishing has hugely affected shark populations: 23% of "other" fish caught inadvertently during tuna fishing were blue sharks.
12They were blue sharks, dreadful man-eaters with enormous tails, dull, glassy stares, and phosphorescent matter oozing from holes around their snouts.
13In the earliest days of the trip, he encountered four blue sharks, each the length of your average-size car, off Tory Island.
14"Guess how many sharks I have?" A pattern of tiny blue sharks covered his suit.
15Better for him to stay there, and perhaps recover, than to die on board the O'HIGGINS and be thrown to the blue sharks.
16He's appalled to find a Japanese trawler and a gigantic freezer container fishing with impunity off the shores of Cabo Verde for blue sharks.
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Translations for blue shark